MICROTOPS II Ozone Monitor-Sunphotometer Ver. 1.42/1997 S/N 03012 A - show current location B - set current location C - clear data buffer L - list saved locations M - modify saved location P - print data buffer S - initiate scan T - set the date and time X - print calibration constants Current calibration constants S/N:03012 A1=4.871E+00 A2=2.708E+00 B1=8.100E-02 B2=9.100E-02 L1=7.020E-01 L2=3.030E-01 OC=0.020 C1=5.703E-05 C2=1.601E-04 C3=2.505E-04 C4=9.417E-03 C5=1.332E-02 LNV04=6.751E+00 LNV05=6.278E+00 K=7.049E-01 B=6.107E-01 C=1.16 POFFS=-1.312E+01 PSCALE=1.482E+01