These are the news starting 01 Jan 2024
Click here for the news of the previous
Attention: I (Francis Massen)
will stop definitively writing this NEWS column the 31 December 2024
23:59 (except for a few days of 2025) Please visit the website for an archive of the years 1998 to 2024 of operating meteoLCD. |
05 Jan 25 |
1. 2024_only.xlsx file
now definitive and edited 2. meteoLCDstats_1998_2024.xlsx file uploaded 3. What remains to be done is the traditional TRENDS analysis for 1998 to 2024. This will take some times, as I have other tasks to do. |
02 Jan 25 |
1. Uploaded december 2024 data into
data archive 2. Created file of all concatenated months (with metadatat headers) 3. Created first part of 2024_only.xlsx file (only one sheet for the moment, no rigorous testing yet) |
28 Dec 24 |
The 3 days 26,27,28 Dec. are again a nice illustration of the
influence of the thickness of the total ozone column (TOC) on the
intensity of the biological effective UVB irradiance at
Solar and ground-level ozone conditions are about the same during 26 and 27 December, with a slight decrease in TOC and as a consequence a slight increase in UVB from the 26th to the 27th.. The TOC increases by about 10% from the 27 to 28th December;.despite the big increase in solar irradiance, UVB intensity falls by about 12%. This shows how effective the ozone layer is as a UVB filter. I wrote at least 3 other small papers on this phenomenon in the blog; just type RAF in the Search box to find comments from 2022, 2021 and 2014. |
04 Dec 24 |
Upload nov24.dat into the data archive. |
02 Nov 24 |
Upload oct24.dat into the data archive. |
24 Oct 24 |
The CO2 channel went wrong in mid 21 October; Raoull Tholl made the repair today (culprit was a signal contact going bad) |
06 Oct 24 |
The inlet filter of the Cairsens O3&NO2 sensor has been replaced by Raoul Tholl. |
02 Oct 24 |
The Dobson readings (Total Ozone Column) have been updated up to
2Oct2024; the
file comparing the meteoLCD and KMI TOC readings has also been
updated. 2. TOC Dobson and UVB readings transferred to WOUDC |
01 Oct 24 |
Upload sep24.dat into the data archive. |
16 Sep 24 |
1. Dobson data for August 24 uploaded to WOUDC 2. Problem with graph of DU readings at DOBSON page corrected |
12 Sep 24 |
The WBGT measurements have been put on hold. Clicking on the "Not Measured" icons nevertheless shows the GlobeT and DryBulbT (which will be essentially the same as the WetBulbT, as the wetting has been stopped). |
11 Sep 24 |
I (Francis Massen) had a serious accident 2 weeks ago, and am in
rehab for the next 5-6 weeks. Internet access is possible, but there
are many restrictions making the normal work difficult. I found some
work-arounds, but for instance the update of the graph on top of the
table of the Dobson measurements does not work. Look at the Excel
file linked in the text above for a plot of the readings. My colleagues Raoul Tholl and Marco Goffinet will keep the hardware running. |
06 Sep 24 |
Upload aug24.dat into the data archive. |
27 Aug 24 |
The lightning computer was out of action for several days... ok now again, radar screen page fine.. |
17 Aug |
New short paper by Francis Massen:
short analysis of the temperature dependence of French Provence
cicada chirps frequency and ambient air temperature". A verification of Dolbear's law from 1897. (update to version 1.1 done 18Aug24) |
06 Aug 24 |
The problem with the computer driving the datalogger has been
solved, thx to Raoul Tholl. Everything ok again since today
09:00 UTC... The jul24.dat file will be updated asap... 12:40 UTC: definitive full version of July 2024 data is uploaded |
03 Aug 24 |
Upload jul24.dat
into the data archive: Attention due to logger communication
breakdown the 31Jul24 after 07:00 UTC, there are 34 missing lines at
the end of the file; they have been flagged by 9999. 2. There is a problem with the graph of the total Dobson column (TOC) data; the table valeus are ok, but the update to make the new graph is not working correctly for the moment. 13:35 UTC: the Dobson graph problem is solved. |
01 Aug 24 |
There is a serious problem with the computer interrogating the datalogger, starting the 31 July after 07:02 UTC. I was unable to restart the computer from the distance. So no download of the July 2024 data is possible for the moment.Sorry! |
20 Jul 24 |
Again a tiny thunderstorm, which managed only to go North up to the
midst of Luxembourg; click on the picture for an animation:![]() |
16 Jul 24 |
There was a problem with the half-hour downloads of the data from datalogger to computer. Real cause remains unknown. All ok again (17:00 UTC), there are some glitches in the graphs to ignore... |
15 Jul 24 |
We had a very "normal" thunderstorm, despite an awe inspiring
warning issued hours before by the authorities; click on the picture
for an animation.
What's interesting is that the storm moved very quickly: compare the position of the most recent strikes (blue crosses) between picture 2 and 3: it is about 18km for an interval of 6 minutes, which gives about a maximum speed of 180 km/h ! (could be a bit less, ca. 154 km/h, if one uses the time-stamp of the screen-capture). |
01 Jul 24 |
Upload jun24.dat into data archive |
29 Jun 24 |
I noticed this morning that the current sky image from our webcam
has not been updated (for a long time): actually the camera was dead
. Problem was, as so often, a bad contact. All ok again since 12:00
UTC. 2. We had a rather nice storm in the evening. Look here at the animated gif; the first two pictures show the screens of EUCLID and BLITZORTUNG. The next are those of our Boltek, spaced at 2 minutes interval: There was a problem at the beginning, with the computer showing nothing. A reboot solved this. |
14 Jun 24 |
The CAIRSENS O3&NO2 sensor has been refitted with a new filter at 12:30 UTC. A new filter will take some time to reach constant operation. |
07 Jul 24 |
The problem with the graph of the TOC has been solved. The cause of the malfunction was so silly that I can not mention it.... |
05 Jun 24 |
There is a problem with the graph of the TOC values (Dobson values). As another possibility, click on the link to the Excel file to see two graphs related to meteoLCD and Uccle TOC values. |
01 Jun 24 |
Upload may24.dat into data archive |
02 May 24 |
Upload apr24.dat into data archive 2. First thunderstorm for this month ( time = UTC = local time -2): |
01 May 24 |
Restarted WBGT sensor assembly at 12:00. Watch how the web bulb temperature starts to become lower than the dry bulb temperature... |
15 Apr 24 |
Today we had our first real thunderstorm, short-lived. Click
on the picture for a full animated GIF showing the progression from
South to North. The blue crosses are the latest strikes, the yellow
dots the older ones. The hashed squares are the location where the
software thinks the storm is mostly located. Watch how these domains
progress to the North. Time is UTC ( = local time - 2).
01 Apr 24 |
Upload mar24.dat into data archive |
03 Mar 24 |
Upload feb24.dat into data archive |
01 Mar 24 |
Our vintage Delta-T logger does not know about leap years... so it took the 29th Feb as first March. The monthly data file will be corrected, but the plots (today, last 7 days) will be a bit strange... best ignore this,as everything is self-healing. |
08 Feb 24 |
Trends analysis for 2023 now finished. For the comparison of the meteoLCD TOC readings with those of Uccle, only the month's Jan to Nov are used, as the Uccle data are not yet available on the WOUDC site. The comparison with the "WebUccle" readings covers the full year. |
07 Feb 24 |
There was a remaining contact problem with the pressure sensor, corrected this morning at 08:00 UTC. I also removed the pressure correction applied to the Gnuplot CO2 graphs, as the pressure fault made these plots absolutely wrong... |
06 Feb 24 |
The CO2 problem is solved (13:0 UTC); there was a bad contact on the cable connector to the Vaisala GMP343 sensor. The 7 days plot will be bad for a week due to the the autoscaling feature of Gnuplot. |
05 Feb 24 |
There is a problem with our CO2 measurements starting the 30th January, Will try to solve asap... |
02 Feb 24 |
Upload jan24.dat into data archive. Trends page update to 2023 trends nearly finished; PM2.5 fine particle data and TOC (total ozone column) in work. |
14 Jan 23 |
I started to update the trends page.. this is ongoing work. |
10 Jan 24 |
Uploaded into data archive
2023_only.xlsx Excel file with all readings, dailys and
monthlys and monthly Findel values. Also
meteoLCDstats_1998_2023.xlsx statistics file. |
01 Jan 24 |
1. Our old faithful Delta_T datalogger does not store the
year count in its data-time column, so there usually is a mess with
the Gnuplot 7-days plots during the first week (but not with
the "today" plots). 2. Upload dec23.dat and full year data into data archive 3. Look here for a comparison between our total ozone column (TOC) measurements with those published by the RMI at UCCLE on their web-site (only common days retained). Theirs is probably a mix of direct sky (DS) and zenith-sky (ZS) measurements, whereas we only measure DS. As usual ours are not too bad, no reason to be ashamed of ! And please remember that meteoLCD is since more than 20 years the only station in Luxembourg measuring TOC (and recognized by the WOUDC as station 412). I want especially give thanks to Mike Zimmer for helping out with these measurements.
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