Index of
papers, reports, comments and books written by members of the MeteoLCD
1. Comments and Videos
Wiederstatioun meteoLCD (.mp4) | ... a video on our station
made by 4 students of the BTS Media Writing in 2018. ... presented in Sep.2018 in Wien at the European Conference on Solar UV Monitoring |
The Global Warming Sceptic | ... are you a believer in Global Warming? Read here! |
Moving | ... a "roof-movie" of meteoLCD |
Life at meteoLCD | ... an album of past events (work in progress) |
Waybackmachine: a slideshow of the first pages of since 2001 | ... one intro page per year |
An obituary for Marcel Thilmany | ... some words on Marcel Thilmany, who passed away the 26th April 2009 |
2. Papers in chronological
order (click here
for papers by foreign researchers using meteoLCD data or publications)
74 | Aug 2024 |
Cicada chirps and Temperature | By Francis Massen. A short paper analysing how the French cicada chirp repetition rate varies with temperature. |
73 | Dec 2022 |
AQI_air_quality_confusion | By Francis Massen. I assembled the 5 parts of my blog posts on AQI's and PM measurements into one PDF file. |
72 | Jun 2022 |
Observed Temporal and Spatial CO2 Variations Useful for the Evaluation of Regionally Observed CO2 Data | By Francis Massen, Ernst-Georg Beck(+), Hans Jelbring, Antoine Kies. Article on the latitudinal variations of CO2 concentrations; this is a paper written in 2007, which after minor editing has been published in Volume 2.2 (June 2022) of the open-access website "Science of Climate Change" |
71 | Oct 2021 |
meteoLCD: 25 ans de présence et de mesures climatologiques | Article on the 25+ years history of meteoLCD, written by Francis Massen and published in the 2021 year book ("Millésime 2021") of the Lycée classique Diekirch. PDF version. |
70 | Apr 2021 |
Radiation Amplification Factor RAF in April 2021 | Copy of the Blog article on computing the RAF at meteoLCD (Diekirch, Luxembourg) from 5 cloudless days in the last week of April 2021. By Francis Massen. |
69 | Apr 2020 |
Reviving a vintage Haenni Solar sunshine duration sensor at meteoLCD, Diekirch, Luxembourg | A story about the revival of an old sensor, and a first comparison of its data quality, with some musings on sunshine duration measurements. By Francis Massen. |
68 | Mar 2020 |
A short comparison of the yearly TOC cycle at Diekirch (Luxembourg) and Uccle (Belgium) |
A short paper showing the
annual sinusoidal cycle of the TOC (total ozone column) at
meteoLCD, using all measurements from 2000 to 2018. A comparison
with the cycle derived from the Uccle measurements done at RMI
Brussels (1971 - 2018) shows very close parameters. By Francis Massen, Mike Zimmer, Raoul Tholl and Claude Baumann. |
67 | Apr 2019 | Short paper (PDF) comparing
the first Airvisual Pro fine particle measurements at meteoLCD
with those made by a Horiba instrument at Beidweiler. By F. Massen, C. Baumann, R. Tholl and M. Zimmer. |
66 | Nov 2018 |
A short study in fine particles measurement at meteoLCD by inexpensive LLS sensors |
Paper (PDF) comparing
measurements done at meteoLCD during a 3 week period by laser
light scattering sensors with those made at the official
Beidweiler station. By Francis Massen, Claude Baumann, Raoul Tholl, Mike Zimmer and Nico Harpes. |
65 | Feb 2018 | Comparing the year 2017 Total Ozone Column measurements at Uccle and Diekirch | Intercomparison of the total
ozone column measurements done in Uccle by Brewer #178 and in
Diekirch by the Microtops instrument during the year 2017. By Francis Massen, Mike Zimmer, Raoul Tholl and Nico Harpes. |
64 | Aug 2017 | UV Index Monitoring in Europe | by Alois Schmalwieser et al. (Francis Massen is one of the 49 co-authors). Published in Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences · August 2017 |
63 | Jan 2017 | Comparing the year 2016 Total Ozone Column measurements at Uccle and Diekirch | Short intercomparison of the
total ozone column measurements done in Uccle and in Diekirch
during the year 2016. By Francis Massen and Mike Zimmer. |
62 | Oct 2014 |
Calibration of the MICHELL Hygrosmart module (Pt100 part) at meteoLCD |
A short report on how to
calibrate the new Pt100 based temperature sensor, which
replaces since October 2014 the defunct Hygrosmart thermistor
sensor. By Francis Massen and Raoul Tholl. |
61 |
Sep 2013 |
Short Analysis of Lightning Data from meteoLCD |
A short report by Luca
Mathias and Francis
Massen on the lightning data registered by the
meteoLCD Boltek equipement from 2010 to September 2012. |
60 | Apr 2013 | Radiation Amplification Factor from sudden dip in Total Ozone Column | From rhe 22 to
the 23 April 2013, the ozone layer made a spectacular plunge,
thinning by over 30% in one day. This phenomenon is used to
calculate the RAF which tells us how much UVB will increase if
the total ozone column decreases. By Francis
Massen DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2911.0644 |
59 | Apr 2013 | A report by Francis Massen and Mike Zimmer comparing the TOC (total ozone column)measurements made at meteoLCD with the Microtops instruement and at Uccle, Belgium with the Brewer #16. (PDF) | |
58 | Sep 2012 |
Dossier ozone troposphérique | A short report by Francis Massen analyzing the July 2012 period of ground ozone peaks in Luxembourg (PDF). |
57 | Jun 2012 |
A first intercomparison... | ... of radioactivity measurements. Paper by F. Massen et al comparing the meteoLCD radioactivity measurements' with those of an autonomous AGS sensor |
56 | Aug 2011 |
CO2 trend in Diekirch calculated using the asymptotic values | CO2 trend is computed from the CO2 model of Massen-Beck given in [51]. This is not a paper, but a new picture and discussion added to the trends page. |
55 | May 2011 | Sunshine duration from pyranometer readings | New paper by Francis Massen comparing different methods to obtain sunshine duration according to the WMO definition from the measurements done by a pyranometer (pdf). DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2255.7042 |
54 | July 2011 Sep 2011 |
Calculating moist enthalpy from usual meteorological measurements | Two guest posts published as guest weblogs on the blog Climate Science of Prof. Roger Pielke Sr. (here and here). A consequence was the implementation of a moist enthalpy plot on the near-live data page. |
53 | Nov 2009 |
Accurate estimation of CO2 background level from near ground measurements at non-mixed environments | New peer reviewed
paper by Massen F.
and Beck E-G. presented at the online Klima2009 conference of
the University of Hamburg, DE. This paper received the "Best Paper Award" and ranked 1rst among the 103 papers submitted! (click here for award (7MB)) |
52 | Oct 2009 | Position de F. Massen pour le hearing publique sur le Changement Climatique | Statement of Francis Massen to the Committee of Sustainable Development of the Chamber of Deputies. Due to lobbying of various pressure groups, I was not allowed to present this statement orally. (in French) |
51 | Apr 2009 |
Réchauffement climatique et malaria | Presentation (in French) on "Climate Change and Malaria" at the "2nd International Congress on Tropical Diseases" organized by the NGO "Iwerliewen fir bedreete Volleker" 06-07 Apr. 2009 |
50 | Jan 2009 | Pattern of CO2 and other atmospheric gases during a cold weather inversion | Paper by Francis Massen on unusual CO2 pattern and exemplary O3 titration during the cold weather period from 9 to 12th Jan. 2009 |
49 | Nov 2008 |
10 years ozone measurements at meteoLCD | Poster session
presented at Henvi 2008, the International Conference on
Health Aspects of Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution, Luxembourg
12th Nov. 2008. By Francis
Massen. POSTER1, POSTER2, POSTER3, POSTER4 and all posters in one file (in pdf). |
48 | Jan 2008 | Trends and Patterns in Atmospheric Optical Depth at Diekirch, Luxembourg, 1997-2007 | A report on 11 years AOD measurements done together with total ozone measurments. By Francis Massen. (here for PDF) |
47 | Nov 2007 |
Handling extreme large data series with DADiSP | Presentation
at the Journées de Spéléologie Scientifique, Han sur |
46 | Nov 2007 | | An interactive Perl script to ease data entry for the excellent SMARTS2 solar radiation transfer model of Dr. Christian Gueymard from Solar Consulting Services. Written by Francis Massen in 2003 for version 2.93f. Needs free ActivePerl to be installed. Look here for the SMARTS2 software or ask Dr. Gueymard. |
45a | May 2007 |
Observed temporal and spatial CO2 variations useful for the evaluation of regionally observed CO2 data | Paper by F.Massen, E-G. Beck, H. Jelbring, A. Kies on the variations of CO2 concentration with time and latitude (Word .doc format) |
45 | Feb 2007 | Seasonal and Diurnal CO2 patterns at Diekirch, LU | Paper by F. Massen, A. Kies and N. Harpes on CO2 variations and mean levels as measured by meteoLCD from 2003 to 2005. Contains new procedure to find approx. global mean mixing ratio from measurements done in a non-isolated location. (pdf version) |
44 | Jun 2006 |
SMOG60 - nutzlos? | An very short comment on the futility to reduce car speeds on the highways during peak ozone periods. (in German) |
43 | July 2006 |
Ozone and UVR trends from 1998 to 2005 at Diekirch (L) | A paper by F. Massen, N. Harpes and H. De Backer on UVR and ozone trends at Diekirch, 1998 to 2005 |
42 | May 2006 | A
comparison of the total ozone measurements done with Microtops II sun photometers, Brewer, Sciamachy and Toms spectrophotometers |
Comparison of year 2005 total ozone data, including TOMS and Sciamachy satellite data. By Francis Massen |
41 | Nov 2005 | Global Warming? (version 2005) | An updated html
version of the original Powerpoint presentation (ICN, 2003)
with many new links. By Francis Massen. View only in Internet Explorer! (sorry, ppt to htm looks bad on other browsers) |
40 | Mar 2005 |
Mean annual temperature data for Luxembourg: 1951 - 2004 | A very short ongoing report analyzing the trends in Luxembourg surface temperatures (data from Nasa GISS). By Francis Massen |
39 | Dec 2004 | A
comparison of the total ozone measurements done with the
Microtops II sun photometer and the Uccle Brewer
spectrophotometer Part 2: Year 2003 (new Microtops model) |
An update of this ongoing report, comparing the 2003 total ozone data of Uccle, Diekirch and the Toms and Gome satellites. By Francis Massen |
38 | Nov 2004 |
Radon and Variable Rock Stress | A presentation (Massen, Kies et al.) on the radon variations caused by changing water levels. Presented at the "Journées de Spéléologie Scientifique", Han-sur-Lesse (Belgium), 20Nov04. |
37 | Apr 2004 | Mean and extreme daily air temperature trends (Diekirch, Luxemburg): 1998 to 2003 | A very short report on observed temperature trends; be aware that this period of 6 years does not allow to conclude on ongoing climatic trends! |
36 | Feb 2004 |
Êtes-vous Kyoto-crédule? | A general interest (non scientific) article on Luxembourg's Kyoto policy; in the Global Warming Sceptics section. By Francis Massen (in French, pdf format) |
35 | May 2003 | Influence of intentionally mis-pointing on Microtops II readings | A report in progress on the influence of sun pointing errors on (some of) the Microtops II readings, by Francis Massen. |
3(4 | Mar 2003 | uvb_versus_time | A short paper how to apply a simple cos2 or Gaussian model to compute (approximatively) the UVI during a day (in french and pdf format, by Francis Massen) |
33 | Mar 2003 | fetchgome | A very short HOWTO find the total ozone column data for Diekirch measured by the Gome instrument on the ESR-2 satellite at 12:00 UTC (by Francis Massen) |
32 | Feb 2003 | ESR and CM21: A short intercomparison of two solar sensors | A short report written by students of the LCD comparing a professional Kipp&Zonen CM21 pyranometer to a more simple ESR sensor from Delta_T Devices |
31 | Feb 2003 | A short calibration study of the Vantage Pro Plus weatherstation | Comparing a 20 days run of a Vantage Pro Plus weatherstation from Davis with the readings from meteoLCD sensors (by Francis Massen) |
30 | Feb 2003 | Zero-Offset and Deviant Temperature Stabilization of a Solar Light Co. UVA Biometer | A short paper on the incidence of internal temperature increase on the night-time zero-offset of a Solar Light Co. 501 type UVA Biometer (by Francis Massen) |
29 | Nov 2002 | Where opens the "Trou du Vent" | HTML version (and English translation) of a paper on a blowing cave by Francis Massen and Claude Boes. Presented at the JSS2002 (Journéees de Spéléologie Scientifique, Scientific Speleological Days) at Han-sur Lesse (Belgium) the 16th Nov.2002 |
28 | Oct 2002 |
Influence of variable stress on underground radon concentrations | A paper on stress induced radon variations presented by A. Kies at the 6th International Conference On Rare Gas Geochemistry at Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico - Sep. 2001 (authors: Kies, Massen, Tosheva), and published in Geofysica Internacional (2002), Vol.41, No. 3, pp.325-329 |
27 | Jun 2002 | MODEL and MEASUREMENT | A comparison of computed and measured eff. UVB irradiation |
26 | Jun 2002 | meteoLCD presentation | HTML version of a very short Powerpoint handout document to M. François Biltgen, minister of Work and Communications (in French) |
25 | Jan 2002 | ambiance_chaude | HTML version of a paper by Charles Bonert and Francis Massen on the implementation of a WBGT measuring system at meteoLCD (in French!). PDF version here. |
24 | Oct 2001 | The new windchill formula | A short explanation on the new windchill formula |
23 | Jun 2001 | An ongoing report on showing the influence of the total ozone column on eff. UVB irradiance, and on an eventual increase of the UVR over the last 4 years. | |
22 | Nov 2000 | Investigations on radon concentrations under the Vianden Storage Reservoir | A report on underground radon measurements, and the influence of waterlevel and difference of air densities on radon concentration (Kies, Massen). |
21 | Aug 1999 |
A short report on the influence of the near total solar eclipse on some meteorological data (Massen) | |
20 | Mar 1999 |
A new and revised version of the first report; this time all available data from 1997, 1998 and 2000 have been used (Massen). Ongoing set of reports. | |
19 | Feb 1999 | Cave volume computed on the behaviour of a blowing well... | A paper by Francis Massen, Michiel Dusar, Walter Loy and Noël Vandenberghe published in TERRA NOVA vol.10, 1998, p.131-135. Abstract! |
18 | Dec 1998 | A short report on ozone, NO and NO2 | A (very) concise report written by students of the LCD on the relationship of ozone, NO and NO2 concentrations. |
17 | Oct 1998 | Die Radonkonzentration im Drainagestollen des Oberbecken der SEO, Vianden | A report (in German) on a research project done in the underground gallery situated below the reservor of the pumping storage facility at Vianden. Report shows heavy radon increase when weather conditions are "favorable".Authors are Francis Massen and Antoine Kies. Also available in zipped Word_6.0 document.format. |
16 | Jun 1998 | A first calibration study of the personal UVI sensor sold by Safesun, Australia. Comparing the readings of the Safesun sensor pointing to the sun with those of a stationary mounted UVB_Biometer with zenithal orientation shows that multiplying the Safesun UVI readings by 0.74 gives a reasonal good agreement (Massen). | |
15 |
Jan |
A comparison of three portable UV sensors | Comparison and calibration of the Solar Light UV Meter Mod.3D, the Saitek Sunwatch II and the Casio UV Checker UV-120.A extensive research done using real measurements, not simulated or lab. data!(Massen) |
14 | Oct 1997 | The Moestroff Cave | An announcement and order coupon for a book on underground climatology (editor: Francis Massen) |
13 | Oct 1997 | Total ozone measurements | A first comparison of the total ozone measurements of the Microtops II and those done by a Brewer spectrometer at Uccle (Massen) |
12 | Feb 1997 | Calibrating the Delta_T UVB | A second
calibration-study for the Delta_T UVB sensor (Massen) |
11 | May 1997 | UV-Strahlung - ein Gesundheitsdossier | A series on UV related health aspects for the general public (in german, Harpes, Massen)) |
10 | May 1997 | The UVI Poster | a poster explaining MED/h and UVI (Harpes, Massen) |
09 | Apr 1997 | Wochenend-Vorschau des UVI | official communique of the Radiation Protection Office(in german, Harpes) |
08 | Apr 1997 | Les Produits de Protection Solaire | official communique of the Radiation Protection Office (in french, Harpes) |
07 | Jun 1996 | Calibration Sunwatch II | A first
calibration check of the SAITEK Sunwatch II UVI sensor (Massen) |
06 | Mar 1997 | Near-Live graphs | How to create near-live graphs of very frequently updated date (Massen) |
05 | 1996 | The UVI index | How to compute the UV index and the maximal "safe" exposition time (Harpes, Massen) |
04 | May 1997 | Description of all sensors (README.html) | Overall and extensive description of the different sensors (Massen) |
03 | 1996 | The Kroneis dewpoint sensor | How to compute relative air humidity from the two voltages NTC_Air and NTC_dew (Massen) |
02 | Mar 1997 | Remarks on the Delta_T and Solar Light UV sensors and their readings | Comments on important calibration problems (Harpes, Massen) |
01 | May 1996 | Une première étude sur l'influence de l'irradiation UV_B sur la concentration de l'ozone troposphérique (in french) | UVB irradiation and ozone concentration at Vianden summer 1994 (Massen) |
1997 | The MOESTROFF CAVE, A Study on the Geology and Climate of Luxembourg's largest Maze Cave | Editor Francis
Massen. Original publication Copyright CRP-CU (Centre de Recherche Public, Centre Universitaire) Luxembourg. ISBN 2-919900-00-5 |
1995 | Radon and underground climate in the Moestroff Cave | Antoine Kies and
Francis Massen Gas Geochemistry, edited by Claude Dubois (Université of Franche-Comté, Besançon, France). Science Reviews, 1995, pp.63-70, ISBN 0-905927-79-6 |
1994 | Comptes Rendus du Colloque International de Karstologie, 25-26 Aout 1992 | CIK,
organized by Service géologique du Luxembourg et Groupe
Spéléologique Luxembourgeois. Auteurs Robert MAQUIL, Francis
MASSEN. Publié par le Service géologique de Luxembourg: VolumeSGL_XXVII.pdf |
Papers by foreign researchers:
05 | 2020 | Akbarov Rasul et al.: A Computational Method of Duration of Sunshine | International
Conference "Fundamental and Applied Problems of Physics", September
22-23, 2020. Uzbekistan, Tashkent Link to original here. |
04 | 2018 | Yuan Ye et al. : Adaptive selection of diurnal minimum variation: a statistical strategy to obtain representive atmospheric CO2 data | Atmospheric
Measurement Techniques, March 2018. DOI:
10.5194/amt-11-1501-2018 See version with highlighted references here. |
03 | 2017 |
Comparison of
Five Modeling Approaches to Quantify and Estimate the Effect
of Clouds on the Radiation Amplification Factor ((RAF) for
Solar Ultraviolet Radiation
Link to version stored at meteoLCD: here |
S. Hall, National Exposure Research Laboratory, US EPA. Published 17 August 2017 in the online journal "atmosphere". DOI: 10.3390/atmos8080153 This paper cites a paper by F. Massen on computing the RAF (link) |
02 |
2014 |
222Rn as a tracer of geodynamical processes in underground
environments Link to version stored at meteoLCD |
By D.L. Valladares et al. in
Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier), 468-469 (2014),
12-18. This paper cites 2 papers by Kies, Massen and Zovira on underground Radon measurements. |
01 | 2005 | Comparison of Precipitable Water Measured by Sun Photometer and that Estimated from Surface Meteorological Parameters | P.K. Rathore et al.; Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology . Extended abstract. |
last update: 17 Aug 2024
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